Estate Litigation

Helping you get what you deserve during an estate dispute

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Facing a Disputed Estate? Our Estate Litigation Team Will Fight for You

Get the peace of mind of personal guidance and professional representation with an experienced litigation lawyer from our firm.

You are an executor, administrator, heir, or beneficiary and things have turned adversarial or you are not sure that you are being treated fairly. The circumstances surrounding the administration of an estate or trust can be tense and emotional. Consult with our knowledgeable and experienced litigation lawyer to determine your best course of action. Whether it involves a court’s intervention or not, we’ll be by your side.

Which Kinds of Grounds Are There to Dispute My Loved One’s Estate?

There are a variety of grounds on which you can contest your loved one’s estate. For example, the will might not be legally valid for a variety of reasons. Or, perhaps an unscrupulous relative, friend, or employee might have forced your loved one to leave you out of the will. Sometimes, your loved one might not have been mentally fit to make a will – which happens more often than you might think in dementia cases. To untangle all the issues involved, you need a lawyer with years of experience successfully litigating complex estates. Our estate law team will research your case thoroughly and uncover any grounds you might have to contest your loved one’s estate. To learn more, make an appointment with one of our attorneys today.

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What Do I Need to Bring to My Initial Consultation?

After someone close to you passes away, you’ll experience a swirl of emotions, especially if there’s a dispute among family members or other heirs. Organizing the paperwork you need to challenge the estate can help put you back in control. You’ll need to bring a copy of the will and any evidence that might prove that your loved one suffered from a mental impairment. If you suspect that your loved one signed their will or trust papers under duress, bring anything and everything that might help us prove your case. Of course, we’ll conduct a thorough investigation on our own to see if you have grounds to bring a case. If you do, you can count on us to pursue your interest with all the passion and legal expertise we have. Contact us to arrange your initial consultation today.

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